トップページ >>学会大会 /シンポジウム >> 第27回ヨーロッパ比較内分泌学会議(CECE2014)のお知らせ(2014/08/25-29, Rennes, France)

第27回ヨーロッパ比較内分泌学会議(CECE2014)のお知らせ(2014/08/25-29, Rennes, France)

日本比較内分泌学会 会員のみなさま

第27回ヨーロッパ比較内分泌学会議のLocal Organizing CommitteeのProf. Olivier Kahより、8月25-29日に開催される会議への案内をいただきました。2月15日より登録が開始されるとのことです。詳細は、ウェブサイト(http://cece2014.org/)をご覧下さい。

庶務幹事 兵藤 晋

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差出人: Olivier Kah 件名: CECE2014

Dear colleagues and friends,
As you know the 27th Conference of European Comparative
Endocrinologists, CECE2014, will be held in Rennes (France) on August
25-29, 2014.
You are all cordially invited to participate. We have put together an
outstanding program that is now available in large part on our
website: http://cece2014.org.
The registration and abstract submission will be open on the 15th of February.
Please note that a special effort is being made to support young
investigators. Grants will be available and a whole symposium will be
reserved for students and post-docs, in addition to many available
slots in the different symposium.
Also, remember that Rennes is the starting point for many excursions
on the coast of Brittany (http://www.brittanytourism.com) or to the
Loire Valley (http://www.touraineloirevalley.co.uk) where so many
famous chateaux are expecting your visit. A lifetime experience!
So, keep an eye on: http://cece2014.org as new information is posted every day.
Looking forward to welcoming you in France next summer.
Olivier Kah
On behalf of the organizing committee

Olivier Kah
Research Institute in Health, Environment and Occupation
Team NEED, Case 1302
Université de Rennes 1
Campus de Beaulieu
35 042 Rennes cedex
tel: +33 2 23 23 67 65
fax: +33 2 23 23 67 94


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