トップページ >> 新着情報一覧 >> An official satellite of the 34th International Congress of Physiological Sciences:"ACTIONS AND INTERACTIONS AT THE PITUITARY"のお知らせを掲載しました。

An official satellite of the 34th International Congress of Physiological Sciences:"ACTIONS AND INTERACTIONS AT THE PITUITARY"のお知らせを掲載しました。 (2001/03/12)

Notice for

An official satellite of
the 34th International Congress of Physiological Sciences:

Place and Date

Place: Antarctic Centre, Christchurch, New Zealand
Date: August 24-25, 2001
URL: http://www.chmeds.ac.nz/news_releases/pituitarysatellite.htm

Deadline for abstracts and early registration: May 1, 2001

The meeting will highlight diverse processes from basic biochemical mechanisms to altered signalling pathways in disease, from stimulation to exocytosis.

The exciting program will consist of major reviews, invited oral presentations and submitted poster presentations.

This conference will be held in the unique Christchurch Antarctic Centre. Registrants can meet experts in many areas. Visitors can take advantage of the varied leisure activities of the Canterbury region. Please visit the website for further information, with confirmed invited speakers and links, or contact Professor Evans.

Contact person:

Professor John Evans
Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Christchurch School of Medicine
Private Bag 4711, Christchurch, New Zealand

Phone: 64 3 3644642; Fax: 64 3 3644634; Email: john.evans@chmeds.ac.nz

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