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Announcement of "Sex Determination and Gametogenesis in Fish: Current Status and Future Challenges" (2008/01/19)

Sex Determination and Gametogenesis in Fish:Current Status and Future Challenges

An International Symposium in Honor of Professor Yoshitaka Nagahama

Dear Colleagues:

Professor Yoshitaka Nagahama officially retires from his position at the National Institute for Basic Biology in March 2008. To honor and celebrate Professor Nagahama's extensive contributions to the field of fish reproduction, we invite you to join us in Honolulu, Hawaii, May 30-June 1, 2008, to participate in an international symposium entitled "Sex Determination and Gametogenesis in Fish: Current Status and Future Challenges".

This symposium will highlight advances in the field of fish reproduction. Reflecting Professor Nagahama's research interests, the symposium will be composed of two sessions, one focused on sex determination and differentiation (May 31), and one on germ cell biology and gametogenesis (June 1). Each session will have three or more eminent state-of-the-art speakers invited by the Organizing Committee, and contributed papers on fundamental and applied aspects of each area. One poster session will also be scheduled.

The symposium will be held on the University of Hawaii's Honolulu campus in close proximity to the hotels and beaches of Waikiki. An opening social the evening of May 30, a banquet, and an excursion during one of the afternoons are planned. We expect that abstracts and registration will be due in early February.

The Symposium will be held directly after the First World Congress on Reproductive Biology and the Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, which are being held in Kona, Hawaii May 25-30. Information on these meetings is available at http://www.ssr.org/

To facilitate planning, please respond to this invitation by January 31, 2008 if you intend to participate. Please email the following information to Graham Young ( GrahamY@u.washington.edu ):


I would like to present an oral communication or poster: YES NO

Tentative title:

Further information on the scientific program, registration, details of abstract submission and hotel information will be available within the next month.

We hope that you will be able to join us in Hawaii to honor Professor Nagahama.


International Organizing Committee
Gordon Grau
Hirohiko Kagawa
Penny Swanson
Graham Young

Local Organizing Committee in Japan
Shinji Adachi
Kataaki Okubo
Michiyasu Yoshikuni

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